Controla tus Herramientas en 3 niveles:
- Catáloga y obten las caracteristicas de cada herramienta
- Haz un inventario fisico, para obtener una valuación de tu almácen
- Mediante resguardos, asigna la herramienta al personal y cuando sea necesario, realiza una devolución, para formar un historial de cada empleado y herramienta.
El control de herramientas, esta diseñado para las áreas de mantenimiento, producción, ingeníeria, aplica en control de eventos para hoteles, hospitales, descubre todo el potencial del software.
Introduction to Control of tools
Catalog of tools
Information on the edition of the catalogue of tools
▸ Description of the tool
▸ Code
▸ Unit of measure
▸ Ratings
▸ Specifications, images and attachments
▸ Catalog auxiliary images
▸ Catalog auxiliary attachments
▸ Stores that handle tool
▸ Location in the warehouse
▸ Stocks and start-up costs
▸ Tools controlled by serial number
Warehouse management, initial values and availability
Movements in the warehouse of tools
Receipts and refunds are tools,
Introduction to receipts and returns
▸ What is a shelter?
▸ Movements of input/output vs. receipts/refunds
▸ Generation of a movement of receipt
▸ Tools packages
▸ Check availability of tools
▸ Generation of a movement of return
▸ Consult movements of receipt and returned by employee
▸ Check that employees have a certain tool in shelter
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Additionally, we offer training courses
Our flexible options of online training and face-to-face will provide you with all the knowledge necessary to understand and implement your software maintenance.